Press/ Collaborations


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 ColleenWilcox  has collaborated with LeSportsac to bring,  Ku'u Le'a ("my happiness")

Colleen was a featured Artist and Instagramer for Create in Hawaii

Colleen and other artists were featured in the February issue of Free Surf Magazine

Colleen collaborated on the  album art for Anuhea's Butterflies


Colleen is an ambassador for Rider Sandals. Colleen and Rider collaborated on two sandal designs: rider sandals

Hale'iwa Arts Festival- Colleen was named the official t-shirt artist for the festival. T-shirts and tote bags were based off of Colleen's "Duck Dive" painting.

Colleen collaborated with legendary Hawaiian surfboard shaper and waterman Ben Aipa. Link: Surfboards on Parade

Article in OC Register about  Link: Surfboards on Parade


Colleen and Dusters California Collaborated on the Kraken skateboard

Colleen's painting titled, "Beneath the Wave" was chosen for the poster art of the 2014 Women'sPipelinePro.

Video feature on Celebrating the Arts and Colleen being the featured artist for the event.

Colleen's art was featured on the cover of Big Island Visitor Magazine! 

An articleColleen's artwork  Click on the link below to find out more. Link: Surf Sister

An interview at on Colleen's artwork and what inspires her.


Article in Coastal Living Magazine

September 2013 Colleen collaborated with Anuhea and painted the Cover Art for Anuhea's Album "Butterflies"  Link:

Colleen Wilcox surfboard art was featured in Hana Hou Magazine 



Guitar Commission for Japanese Pop Star Koda Kumi and Husband Kenji03

Feature of Colleen's art on phone cases in The Star Advertise


Free Surf Magazine

Women's Surf and Style magazine featuring Colleen Wilcox Art on Slippers 

Colleen was featured on the French travel TV show Echappes Belles

Colleen Wilcox art on slippers in Hawaii Magazine "Best of" issue

Colleen Wilcox was chosen to do the art for the 2010 Van's Triple Crown of Surfing for Women